August 2013 Moms

Thoughts on picking a guardian

A family in our neighborhood was recently involved in a car accident and both parents didn't make it. It got DH and I started talking about who would be our child's guardian if something ever happened to us. After an hour or so long discussion we still couldn't narrow down who we would choose. I know we have time but it's a big decision and we like to feel prepared so it's something we've started discussing. His parents are a definite no because of alcohol problems in the family. Our siblings are both much younger than us and not settled down so we're not even considering them. We don't really have a lot of friends who are at the same maturity level and stage of their lives that we could entrust, at least who would be willing to permanently parent a child. That leaves my parents or his aunt and uncle. We know both of them would be on board to be granted guardianship. The problem is for one I know his parents would raise a fit if my mom and dad were listed as guardians and not them. It would inevitably cause a big argument and a lot of resentment. The other problem is I really wouldn't want my child being raised in the area my parents currently live in for various reasons and I don't see them moving. I know my family would be hurt though if we went with DH's aunt and uncle instead since we don't see them often. Their parenting style is just much more what we see ourselves being like though, so it seems like it would be a better match and less change for a child if they ever had to go through the trauma of losing parents. STMs-how did you decide on a guardian? FTMs (if you've given any thought to it yet)-who are you choosing/who would you choose and why?
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