3rd Trimester

The name divide.

So yes, we are those people who are giving our child a more formal adult first name and then a more nickname friendly middle name.  Judge all you want that's just what we like.

When we finally picked a name, and shared it with our parents we told them his name is First Middle but we are going to call him Middle while he's young.  But then both sets told us (separately) that they are going to call him by his first name.

Myself, DH and aunts/uncles have been calling him by his nickname and the grandparents calling him by (yes I know) first name.  It's really awkward, and I'm not sure how to bring up this issue.  Maybe...

"We would really rather have you call him X, so there's consistency." 

"Do you not like the name "X"? Because we really rather have you call him the same name we are."

OR will they just catch the drift once we're back home and calling him that all the time ?? 

Any suggestions or similar situations?  You might say it's a self created problem, but that's his name, and we're sticking to it ;)

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