3rd Trimester

XPNeed advice ASAP please

I am 36 weeks 2 days and I've felt LO move several times today. However, in the last couple hours I don't remember feeling her move. About an hour ago I had a small glass of Mountain Dew and then a short time after I realized I didn't remember the last time I felt her. I got up and got a big glass of ice cold water and have been laying on my left side for at least 15 min and haven't felt anything yet. Should I be worried yet or is there something else I can try to get her moving? Or should I go ahead and call the dr? It's past midnight here, my 2 year old is asleep and hubby has work in the morning. Of course I would rather be safe than sorry with LO but I hate to wake up everyone up for nothing and I'm blanking on what else I can try to get LO moving.
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