Baltimore Babies

OB recs

I guess it's time to find a OB/GYN. I've saved a few posts here for OB recommendations and delivering at different hospitals that I need to look into but wanted to see what kind of feedback you girls might have on some specific concerns I have.

Can anyone recommend a small practice or an actual doctor that pretty much guarantees that he/she will deliver your baby. (does that exist??)  At my last practice there were twelve doctors and even though it all turned out ok-it sucked not knowing who would be my doc for my delivery and it really concerned me that my labor doc could potentially be someone I had just met for 10 minutes.

I'm hoping to find someone whose philosophy is open to going as natural as possible as long as there are no medical complications. Things like not being hooked up to an IV and the monitor...that kind of stuff. That might be more of a hospital thing..not sure.

 Thanks ladies.

scrunched up face
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