3rd Trimester

Baby dropped at 34 weeks??

So over the past 2 days i've noticed a significant difference in the positioning of the baby. On the positive side I can breathe and eat again! Negatively I have a ton of pain & pressure in my pelvis..... I feel like I have a bowling ball between my legs & I walk like it too. I was positive I had a uti because of the frequency but minimal amount I have to pee, but the doc said no, must just be that baby is sitting low.

I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead but they won't do an ultrasound prior to my c-section unless I have a problem. I'm just worried that he's trying to make an early appearance.....my daughter never did this! My c-section is scheduled for April 8 so I'm also wondering if I'm going to be this uncomfortable for the next 5 weeks?! 

IAmPregnant Ticker
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