Pregnant after IF

Another Clinic Vent - long

I had my monthly OBGYN appointment yesterday and I am more frustrated with them than ever. I had to ask them about my quad screening results (the tests for CF and whatnot) and they didn't even know when I took them. After searching my file for a few minutes it just said "negative" so at least that was good news. Once again we did NOT get an ultrasound, for which I was so peeved. I haven't had one since January 10 and I'd really like to see how my cysts are progressing. We haven't been able to have sex since December so we're both getting a little antsy! Next I have this weird rash type thing on my belly and spreading to my chest and shoulders. It almost looks like acne but its not. They didn't even bother looking at it. Then I said my iron levels were low because I'm blacking out when I stand up, my lips are pale, and if I stand for more than 10 minutes I feel like passing out. I was anemic as a teenager so I know what this feels like. The doc just told me anemia is normal in pregnancy....soooo don't you think some extra iron supplements might help? Once again we felt totally dismissed and irritated with the clinic. This is the fourth doctor I have seen and we cant stand any of them so far. 

On a more positive note, since they wouldn't help me I went to my primary care doc and ended up spending 3.5hrs there. He wasn't sure what the rash/acne thing was either, so he pulled in another doctor, who pulled in another doctor, and another doctor! So there I was with my shirt off with 4 doctors eyeballing me with a magnifying glass haha. Uncomfortable much? I told them it wasn't as bad as the intimacy we have with our RE's haha But they *think* they figured out and believe its a common rash for pregnancy (I forget what it was called) and they even gave me some iron pills with colace since they can make it hard to go to the bathroom apparently. So hopefully my problems with be solved!

On an awesome note - Monday we find out the sex! We have a meeting with a different hospital to meet with a geneticist and check on my cysts and they have 3D/4D capabilities there so they said as long as baby cooperates they can tell us the sex! We're dying to know haha.  

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