August 2013 Moms

16 pounds gained already.. anyone else?

So I will be 17 weeks on Saturday and I have already gained 16 lbs.. it seems we have been talking about this already today, but honestly, some of the posts make me feel bad with people gaining zero weight!

I know everyone is different.. I am 5 '8" and started off at 118 which was probably a bit light for me (BMI 17.9, < 18.5 is considered underweight). DD is only 13 months old right now and I just weaned her, lost 10 lbs off my pre-pregnancy weight with since I was breastfeeding so much and very active. I also gained exactly 25 lbs in my pregnancy with DD. So lost all that plus the extra 10. 

 But now, I am struggling with the weight piling on. 16 lbs in 17 weeks seems a bit much. My blood pressure is low and I am jogging 4 x /week, trying to eat healthily but I do know that I am eating more than I did before. Just can't seem to help it.

 Anyone else in the same boat?  

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