3rd Trimester

Labor or BH??

Yesterday i started having strong contractions, felt like sharp stabbing pains in lower abdomen. There were points were they were unbearable lasted until about 2:30 am then i was finally able to fall asleep, but when i woke up today i started having them again not as strong though. some get to about the point i was a tlast night and they went from 6 min to 5 to 4 to 3 min apart and now there not as strong as they were. On top of it all I have been constantly running to the bathroom having BMs last night and all day today. What could this be BH or should i be preparing for labor sooner then i thought? I am currently 39 weeks 1 day.

BabyName Ticker BabyFetus Ticker image Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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