August 2013 Moms

Struggling with the concept of gaining weight..

Ok, so I am really struggling with this whole gaining weight, getting a huge belly thing. Please don't get me wrong, I am eating enough, I am gaining weight, and my belly is getting much bigger.. but I'm just not happy about it.

I am normally a size 4, sometimes 6, so fairly small I guess, and fairly fit. My general way of keeping fit is anytime the scale goes up a few pounds, I would start working out for a few weeks, eat healthy, and watch it go back down and feel ok, haha. But right now, obviously, watching the scale go up, I can't do anything about it. It's been a lot harder for me than I thought it would be. I always knew it would be a bit of a challenge for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I'm not getting "fat", I'm growing a baby...but I'm really not getting there.

People at work keep commenting on how cute my bump is and how big it's getting, but I am just super uncomfortable with this, and keep saying how big I think it is, and how it's really weird, and I just feel fat.

I feel like part of it is the pressure I feel from others. Everyone has always told me, "oh you're so fit and little, you will just have a tiny bump and be so cute pregnant"..but like, what if I'm not? My bump already feels like it's way too big for just 4 months. And I don't feel "cute with a bump". It is just belly, I haven't gained anywhere else - yet - but I still don't feel good about it.

Anyone else struggling with the same issues??  I know it's ridiculous, I know this is a wonderful thing, and I am trying to embrace it. Please don't preach to me about making sure I'm eating enough, gaining weight is good, etc. As believe me I am. I am doing everything the way I'm supposed to, eating a bit more than usual, gaining weight right on track with what I'm supposed to. I'm just VERY unhappy about it... ha. How can I learn to embrace what's happening??

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