August 2013 Moms

Vent NBR

Here I am awake and have been up since 130 this morning. Why because my brat of a dog decided the break out of the gate yesterday and got into a bunch of sh!t she wasn't supposed to. Ate a mass of things like banana but muffinsmy favorite peanut butter crackers and an entire bag of dog treats that came from petco after a grooming. Oh yes and she are some trail mix that was lightly coated with white chocolate. So now she has diarrhea and keeps getting up to pace so we will let her out. How did she do this? Our house is still not fully unpacked and there are boxes in the living room which she tore into. We keep the dogs in the hall behind a tall tension gate. Yep and now she is up again for the 3rd time tonight to go out. I think this is going to end in a trip to the vet and a loss of my sanity. Rant over.
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