Pregnant after IF

Prayers Please....

I noticed some cramping today while at work but didn't think much of it bc I had some last week too (saw the doctor, got an u/s-everything was fine). I went to the bathroom and saw I began spotting :( It was brownish tinged blood, also passing some clots. I called the nurse at my OB office, she said she would talk to my OB and call me back. She told me to leave work, go home, relax and decrease my activity-and if the spotting gets worse call and have the doctor paged.  I asked her about going to the ER-she said I really didn't have to, just call if I am having more problems.  I went home to rest, the spotting stopped, still just a tiny bit brown and no more clots.  I did hear the HB on my home fetal doppler, at least I think I did!  I have my NT scan tomorrow, so I will be able to find out then if everything is ok, its just going to be a long night.  Anyone experience anything like this before? Or have any idea what it could be??   
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