Pregnant after IF

Intro and question

Hi all!

I guess it's time to finally come out of lurking. I've posted a little over on 3T. My history is all in my siggie, but basically we were very lucky with our third IUI/seventh Clomid cycle. We already had injectables training and Rxs ready to fill, but so far don't need it. 

Betas looked good and at the untrasound today we were able to see the sack, but it's still too early for the heartbeat. There's defiantly still some nervousness there. 

So, a question: I am going to be a new patient when I go to see the OB. I called to make an appointment now and mentioned I am still with the RE. They want to see me at 7.5 weeks, but I'm not sure when I am going to graduate. Has anyone had treatment overlap between the two? 

I look forward to getting to know you all!

Me: 31, DH: 33 Dx PCOS
5/12 -- HSG, blocked left tube cleared, cycle canceled b/c of cyst
6/12 -- Clomid 100mg + TI -- BFN
7/12 -- Clomid 100mg + TI + Progesterone -- BFN
8/12 -- Benched with a cyst
10/12 -- Clomid 100mg + TI -- BFN
11/12 -- Clomid 100mg + Trigger + TI -- BFN
12/12 -- Clomid 100mg + Trigger + IUI -- BFN
1/13 -- Clomid 100mg + Trigger + IUI -- BFFN
2/13 -- Clomid 100mg + Trigger + IUI -- BFP!!!
Beta 1=168 Beta 2=745 Beta 3=1700+
EDD 10/25 BabyFruit Ticker
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