August 2013 Moms

Intro. finally ready to join!

Hello Everyone!

I'm excited to start to be part of the bump again and to get to know all of you August Moms!! After my miscarriage in Sept/Oct I wasn't sure I would ever be back here again. My very large stomach is a reminder that this is actually real. So, I'm ready to join in the excitement!

As you can see in my siggy. I have DD and DS who will be 6 and 4 when baby 3 comes. They are beyond excited which makes this whole journey that much more "new" and exciting.

Team Green (for the first time)!! Due 8-15! 

Can't wait to start to get to know everyone! 

BFP#1 due 3/5/2007 missed m/c at 10w, d&c 8/2006 BFP#2 DD 6/2007 BFP#3 DS 5/2009 BFP#4 due 4/8/12 m/c at 9w3d, after weeks of waiting for hcg to go down finally prescribed misoprosotol BFP#5 DUE 8/15/13 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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