August 2013 Moms

Pregnant and abused

Hello Ladies,


I am going through a very hard time right now and just need to vent I think.  First of all I am a very high risk pregnancy with a incompetent cervix and pre term labor.  I had a cerclage placed at 13 weeks and am now 17 weeks today.  Things have been holding up pretty good so far.

Other than at home

My partner has recently started choking me and pushing me around when ever we argue.  And he threatens to kick me in my stomach.  I am scared that he will really do it so I back down and let him scream at me.  As much as I want to fight back I don't because I want to keep my baby safe.  The last episode was last night and he did this if front of my 4 year old son.  NOT OK!!! Now I want him to leave but he says he will never leave me and I won't leave him.  I called my sons dad last night to come pick him up since I didn't want him to witness the violence that was being displayed and my sons dad flipped out on him and tried to warn him not to touch me and to not do these things in front of our son.  My partner thinks because I now am carrying his baby that he can do what he wants to me and is soooo mad that I had my sons dad come over and get in his face.  I really only called him to come pick up our son.  But my sons dad knows that I don't call him out of the blue like that for nothing so he tried to stand up for me.  Now I am at work and dreading having to go home to this man that says he loves me but will turn around and hurt me at the drop of a dime.

 Do I seek help and stay with him for our unborn childs sake or leave him and be a single mother to 2 kids?  ( my first sons dad is around but not always)

Please help!

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