August 2013 Moms

i dont know what to do...

So Im supposed to go for my quad screening on Monday, but Ive been going back and forth on if I want to get it done. Im going to call my dr. tomorrow and see what he has to say about me opting out of the testing. Im concerned that he will want me to still get it done for "preparing " purposes but I cant tell you how many stories Ive heard/read about women gettin it done, getting positive results, gettin more testing, and everything turns out just fine. I just cant see going through all that stress and worry for nothing! I know I want to keep my baby no matter what the results as a baby with an abnormality can live a perfectly normal life. I just want to move past this and concentrate on getting my new house ready for baby, and celebrating a baby growing inside me! Im just confused/worried/concerned and just wondering what I should do that would be best for me and for baby...Tongue Tied
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