August 2013 Moms

STM's or more, please come in re:school...

(x posted)

This is regarding preschool...

My toddler will be a little over 2.5 when LO is born. He currently goes to a preschool transition class, which means he's in class without me but I'm on campus during the class. Class ends in June. After that its regular preschool drop off/pick up which means I won't be on campus. I'm trying to figure out if I want to put him in summer camp, then straight to school come September (to keep the routine of school), or keep him out of summer school in order to spend as much quality time as possible and then put him in preschool around October so that he's had time to adjust. My fear is that he's going to feel like we're kicking him out, even if he's already used to going to school.

For those of you that have 2+ kids, did you have your toddler in school before LO was born or after? What was the school transition like?

BabyFruit Ticker
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