August 2013 Moms

VBACers after 2+ c-sections

I tried to VBAC with my second, I got all the way to 10, reached down and felt her head even; but ended up w/ c-section after 2 hours of pushing due to fetal distress and me starting to fever.

 I'm not against against another c-section, but with 2 little ones at home, a vaginal birth recovery (most likely) would be SO MUCH easier... And I want to see and feel my baby when she comes out of me.  I feel kind of "cheated" in the birth experience.  I feel like I got all that way, I should have been able to get her out. She wasn't large.

I'm torn at what to do.  I'm thinking about attempting another VBAC with my doctors approval (which is only an assumption right now); but the idea of a planned c-section is also enticing.

Anyone else struggling with this battle?  What's your plan

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