August 2013 Moms

NT scan guess correct/ H still in denial

At my NT scan the tech was 80% sure she saw 2 girls.  I had an u/s yesterday (I get them every 2 weeks now) and the doctor confirmed he saw 2 girls:)

A part of me felt a tiny bit sad because I won't be having any more children and I thought it would be nice to have at least one boy, but I love girls and am thrilled having all girls. I have always related better to little girls and now I will have 4!!

My H will also be thrilled, but I know he can't help but be a little disappointed that he will never have a boy.  He doesn't want to announce the sex to anyone until our 20 week scan.  Last time, we had an elective at 15 weeks and he immediately posted on FB that it was a girl, so I think he is a little bit in denial this time.  My MFM had a pretty good view and sounded certain.

The weird part is since my H still is acting unsure, it is making me feel unsure that maybe the doctor was wrong.  I really want to get some shopping out of the way asap since I don't know how mobile I will be in the last half of my pregnancy.

EDIT:  I should add my husband has 8 sisters so I think he is just doomed to being surrounded by girls his whole life:)

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