August 2013 Moms

Oh, my aching vagina. UPDATE

I am embarrassed to even be asking a question like this. This is my third pregnancy, you would think I would be a pro!

The past few days I been having sharp/achy/stabbing type pains, in my vagina. It doesn't really hurt, it is uncomfortable though. I assume it is just stretching or baby possibly laying on a nerve. I plan to ask my Midwife at my appt Thursday.

I am curious if any other ladies are experiencing this? Anything you do to ease the discomfort?

Thanks ladies. Embarrassed


The pain I was feeling lasted for a few hours and was pretty painful. It never left my vagina area. Last night I got up to pee, and felt a POP. I was terrified. I hurried and wiped, afraid of what I might see. There was a stone on the paper. I was so freaked out.

I was hospitalized with kidney stones last Feb. I never passed it. Well, I assume this pain was from this stone! How strange....... I just can't believe how minor the pain was and how big the stone was!

Thanks for all the replies ladies!! :)

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