August 2013 Moms

HBP reoccur for STMs???

First I should introduce myself, I am more of a lurker but sometimes feel the need to post. So Hi!! I am a STM and with my first I ended up with high blood pressure starting around 30 weeks, never any protein (or pre-e symptoms) just HBP. I was  on bed rest for 1/2 days from 34 weeks and then no work at 36 weeks. I was induced at 38.5 weeks because the BP just continued to climb and then 12 hours into the induction had an emergency c-section due to the fact my DS decided he was ready to wave hello to all the doctors and nurses when I was only 5cm dialated, then the distress for baby started. My question is has anyone else had unexplained HBP with one child and did it happen again with the next? I know every body and pregnancy is different but I am just curious on others experiences. My doctor said that if I lost weight before the next one it might help the BP issues, I have never had BP issues before but of course no weight lost so here I am wonding if I will have the HBP again. I know its early to worry but if I end up with the HBP again I can't VBAC! I am really hoping to a least have a trial of labor this time. Sorry so long!

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