August 2013 Moms

TMI but need help here UPDATE**

10 days ago i thought i had a yeast infection... bought an OTC clotrimazole cream after talking with the pharmacist as she said the longer treatments are better for pregnant women and it is better not to take anything systemic (ie a pill, like Diflucan). So, i thought things were getting better (and they definitely are better, I had my prenatal check up last week and told my doc I was on the mend from the yeast infection so we left it at that. But now, I am still slightly itchy all the time.. or a fair bit of the time. I tested my own urine on the weekend at work (I am an RN) and it was 3+ leukocytes if that means anything to any of you... but I know you can have bacteria in your urine with a yeast infection just because of what is all going on down there.

Anyway, I'm wondering.. do I still have yeast, do I have some other vaginal infection, or do I have a urinary tract infection on top of all this which is causing the itching? Not having any burning when I pee.

 I cant get in with my doc today.. am going to try for tomorrow or the next day. Or I will go in to the ER tomorrow where I work, though I hate doing that... but i can speak privately with one of the nurse practitioners. Just looking for other similar experiences...?  

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