August 2013 Moms


So we had some friends of ours invite us to their house last night. They wanted to have a couple of drinks with my fiance, so they didnt want to come to our house, and than drive afterwards.

Now first off, i hate ppl who drink and drive. And they also have a 3 year old, so i understand them wanting us at their house instead. But i am absolutely irritated with the fact that ppl keep telling my finace... well you have a DD and we dont. Yes i am pregnant so im obviously not drinking. But these ppl seriously are never at our house, we always have to go to them. I think they have been to our house twice since october. But i also hate that they assume we will go to their house. Its alot easier for them to pack up the 3 of them versus us packing up the 4 of us. Plus im pregnant, maybe i want to be in the comfort of my own home. Grr...
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