Pregnant after IF

Pain.....or cramps?

Last night I was woken up from cramping in my middle lower abs. I panicked right away and didn't know if it was a sign of an M/C since we had one a little over a year ago. There is no blood and no spotting but just uncomfortable. I looked things up online (like you?re not supposed to-because it's always the worse) it said things like this is common- could be an epitomic pregnancy (WHAT? My husband said I would be in more pain if this was the case), could be gas, or just normal pregnancy pains. So I started to freak out pretty much, but the pain went away and then nothing this morning but mild cramping. No blood, no spotting, and just wondering if this is normal that sometime cramps are going to be worse than just the normal cramps or I should call and ask my RE? I have an appointment next Monday for our 6 weeks ultra sound but just don?t know what to do or how to feel about all thisL I don?t want bad news, but confused I just want to ask for advice if anyone has any suggestions?  Any help???

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