August 2013 Moms

Ahh!!! Worst mom ever!!!

So this morning, I did my normal routine of making eggs for my 7 yr old, and THOUGHT I put them on a plate for her on the table, like normal. I went off to take care of something else (cuz she eats, n brushes her teeth herself, I usually get myself ready during that time).. and then I did her hair, got her other stuff ready. And we left for school.

Well, she gets out of the car after hugs and says, "Mom.. why didn't I eat anything this morning??" At first I was like "Uh, you DID!" But then I thought back, and realized the eggs were still in the pan on the stove (turned off of course). WTH!?!? I sent my baby off to school without feeding her! I asked her why SHE didn't say anything and she said she forgot?!!! I feel like such a bad mom!!

I've never remotely done anything even close to this! I don't know what my deal is this morning!! My 14 yr old goes in late today, so I'm going to make SURE he gets his eggs now. I feel like giving myself a big smack on the head! Wake up, woman!!

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