3rd Trimester

Maybe men get pregnancy brain too...?

I'm thinking maybe men suffer from pregnancy brain too...only a few days to go until our due date, here I am making sure the gas tank never goes below half, taking extra pants and undies wherever I go, and mentally rehearsing the different routes to the hospital during the various daily traffic patterns...just in case...

And I get a message from one of DH's co workers explaining that he forgot his phone when he left for a 14 hour work day.

Part of me wants to prank him...maybe text his co worker and tell him he needs to get home ASAP, while I sit in the parking lot next to his car, phone in hand, head shaking

I guess I have to become that nagging wife who asks "do you have your phoooone??" every time he leaves the house.  

 Oh silly men :)  

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