3rd Trimester

38 weeks, 3 cm, 80% effaced, gas pains.. help!?

Hi moms!

I just wanted to post to see if any first time moms are experiencing the same things.. I am currently 38 weeks pregnant with my first baby, 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Yesterday my belly was very tight and hard all day, with mild contractions. The physician on-call reccommeded coming in to be checked and they ended up sending me home. I was restless all night and finally was able to fall asleep at 6:30 AM for only two hours. I was awoken shortly after with intense abdominal pains that led me to believe I was going to have diahrreah (TMI, i'm sorry!) paired with shooting pains in my right inner thigh consistently every 5 minutes for about an hour and a half. I practically lived on the toilet during that time with basically no stool coming out, just pains that felt like it. I was exhausted and finally was able to nap for just less than a couple hours. When I got up and around again, the same pains picked right back up for a little while. Now, I just feel nauseous and uncomfortable. I've read that this could be a sign of early labor, just wondering what to look for next before going to the hospital again.. I dont want to go for just another false alarm! :

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