August 2013 Moms

dizziness and breathlessness - quite worried

I've been super dizzy for nearly a week now (blacked out once, narrowly avoided a second), and I'm also having a hard time catching my breath, even just holding a conversation with someone.  I've had a nasty cold ever since my first blackout and was coughing up both lungs all day yesterday, but most of the coughing has subsided today.  I'm sure that a good portion of my dizziness and breathlessness can be explained by the cold, but now that I'm feeling better cold-wise, the dizziness and breathlessness isn't letting up.  I even get really dizzy sitting still.  I'm eating well and am very well hydrated.  I'm starting to get really worried.  This is my first pregnancy (17wk 1 d) so I'm scared of overreacting but I'm also scared of not recognizing a problem.  I really hope this isn't just how it's going to be from here on out.  Going to work like this has been nothing short of miserable.

I guess I'd just like to hear your takes on what I'm experiencing, whether you feel it's normal or not, and whether anyone has also experienced something similar.  My doctor has told me that dizziness is normal in pregnancy, but I'm going to call her again and let her know just how often this is happening and how much it's interfering with day to day life.

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