August 2013 Moms


I got into an argument with a family member yesterday that really upset me.  It's not the first time he has made incredibly ignorant and hurtful comments about my job (I'm a teacher) in front of me.  It wasn't a screaming match, but a heated conversation.  I know I shouldn't engage, but I just wanted him to shut up.  

Anyways, I felt like my stress level shot up really fast and I had a really hard time calming myself down.  Even when I let it go and was mentally calm, it took awhile for my body to relax.  I was shaky and my skin was blotchy (I'm assuming because of hormones?).  This hasn't happened before, and I still feel like my heart rate is up thinking about it this morning.  

 I realize avoiding maddening conversations with douchebags is one way to solve the problem, but does anyone have a suggestion for calming yourself down when you get physically stressed? 

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