Dads & Dads-to-be

Question about what to do...

 I would like some imput from maybe some dads who have gone through something like this. So heres the deal... Me and dh have been TTC since dec 2012 ( yes i know not very long)  well the first month everything went great but since then things have been going down hill. I'm not sure if its the stress or if hes scared or nervous about it all. Hes been a jerk towards me a lot lately and says negative comments towards me when i get excited about new things ive learned or things id like to try to help TTC. maybe hes not mature enough i have no clue. The way he makes me feel, makes me wanna go back on my pills and never try again. I've tried to sit down with him and figure out what the deal was but he either just shuts up completely or turns it into an argument like its my fault.  Should i just back off and let him be and see how things work out? or should i try to talk to him? A lil backround He is 23 works full time for his dad. I'm 22, i work full time and go to school full time online. Any opinions or suggestions are welcome :)

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