Pregnant after IF

Still pregnant!

After we lost Baby B we were told that Baby A may follow. His heart rate was borderline and he was measuring small. Last night I had a gush of blood. I decided I couldn't take it so DH and I headed to the ER. I just needed to know. Baby A looks great! He's measuring right on track now and his heart rate was great. They found no reason for the bleeding whatsoever. I'm still very nervous but at least I'm hanging in there.

TTC #1 for Dh, #2 for me. HSG clear. Low AMH and endo. Multiple Clomid w/TI cycles - all BFNs. 2 IUIs with Clomid and 1 with Femara - more BFNs. IVF#1 25R, 15M, 15F. 5DT of two perfect 4AA blasts! Positive HPT at 5dp5dt. Beta #1 6dp5dt - 72. Beta #2 8dp5dt - 285. Beta #3 10dp5dt - 793. Both babies have strong beautiful heartbeats! Baby B miscarried at 7 weeks. Baby A barely holding on. Stick, baby, stick!

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