Pregnant after IF

Center for human reproduction - experience?

Hi everyone,

 I usually post on IF so I hope it's ok I post here...

Does anyone have any experience with the Center for Human Reproduction in NYC? They say they specialize in DOR but wanted to see if anyone had experience. Thanks! 

Me:30 low AMH; DH:30 MFI (count, motility, morphology) 2 rounds clomid 100 mg -BFN IUI#1- 25 mg clomid- July 2012= BFN! IUI #2 August = BFN! IUI #3 September = BFN! IVF #1 November - converted to IUI #4 = BFN IVF #1.2 February 2013 clomid +gonal-f *trying to keep hope* Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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