August 2013 Moms

Drop Down Cribs- Opinions Please

I've done copious amounts of Internet research on this topic, and I'm looking for other moms to weigh in.

My mother bought my crib in 1985.  It is a wooden, drop-side crib with solid metal rails that extend the entire length of the "drop down" side. As I'm pricing out baby furniture, it seemed most economical to reuse my old crib (which was also safely used by 3 cousins and 1 niece).

My father is a handy-man and overly-excited grandfather who would meticulously check and tighten every screw.

With that said, the new laws and regulations are very clear.  However, when I watch the videos of these recalled cribs, they are made with plastic parts that attach each corner of the side to a plastic track on each corner of the crib.  The danger lies in the chance that one corner becomes dislodged and the child wedges himself between the rail and the mattress, suffocating.  As I look at the construction of my 1985 crib, with the top to bottom metal rail, I cannot see how one corner could ever become dislodged.

So, the question I being too frugal?  Or, are the "newer" drop side cribs of cheaper construction, thus presenting a safety hazzard?

Before too many moms pull out their claws about my "negligence", the safety of my baby is, of course, the most important factor.  I just need to determine if this crib poses a real threat.

Thanks, in advance!

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