August 2013 Moms

Things I miss..random

I miss...

My Starbucks runs, having caffeine all day to help me through Seattle area coffee lover, chowing down on crawfish and other seafood, being able to eat chicken strong aversion to poultry, not having to research if this or that is safe to eat/do, peanut butter, high heels, doing my nails, fighting my acne with the best acne med ever, laying on my stomach without feeling guilty, long hot showers, my old clothes, being invited for Happy Hour without the "oh wait you're pg nvm" I mean I'll still go for the food and good conversations!! , enjoying a medium cooked prime rib, boxing, not feeling like I ran a marathon when I just walked up the stairs, and I'm sure there's more but this is my list I could think up!

But I also miss the quickening feeling, felt my LO move a few days ago. Can't wait until it happens regularly!! 3
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