August 2013 Moms

My husband is pissing me off.

Let me begin by saying that I have a great husband who's very supportive. He's a great guy and is well on his way to becoming a great dad ...

But he's working my last nerve.

Upon leaving for Home Depot this morning (we're in the midst of remodeling) he told me that he'd started cleaning our current bedroom (our MB is under construction), and suggested that if I don't finish the job he started he's going to do the MB how he wants it to be done--basically, if I don't do what he tells me, he won't do what I tell him. Tit for tat. 

So here's my perspective:

I'm a long term substitute teacher at high schools in my area-- I take over the classroom when teachers are out on extended leave. My current job is especially challenging because their teacher has been sick for some time and they had two weeks of random day-subs before I was hired.

I put in long hours and have high energy days. I have a stack of grading to do this weekend. Plus, I don't know where all this "extra energy" people talk about comes from, but I'm really tired. Several times this week I was asleep by 7:30/8 p.m.

Can I just have Saturday afternoon? WTF!!

I understand that he wants it done but frankly I don't give a damn. And yesterday, after telling him about my day, he had the balls to ask me what's for dinner. Dammit! You just told me how boring your day was and how all you did was prep work for the next job. YOU make dinner!!! And I told him as much ...

Then he calls me from Home Depot with a problem. I told him if I had to come down there no one was going to like me very much. He told me to calm down and he'd call me back.

Frankly, I hope he takes his time coming home.

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