Dads & Dads-to-be

Question regarding my partner

Hello dads! So I have a question regarding my situation and I wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this. So me and my fianc just had a beautiful baby boy 4 months ago. We are staying with her mom which is already very frustrating seeing as she wants to tell us what to do with our son a lot. This is expected though because she is his grandma. So a little background on my schedule. I go to school full time for nursing during the week from 8am3pm and then on Friday I work 312am and Saturday/Sunday I work from 10am10pm. My fianc does not work or go to school so she spends the most time with our son. I have been getting upset lately because I try to suggest things we should try with our son ie: making a set nap time, feeding him fruit in the am and cereal in the pm to promote longer sleeping and it seems like every time I try to suggest something it starts and argument and I just feel like I don't have a say with anything regarding my sons life. We are both new parents and my fianc has had experience with her nephew and other babies in her family. I have zero experience with babies whatsoever but I still like to make suggestions about his car. It seems like every time I suggest something it gets blown off and when we try to have a conversation about it my fianc will turn it in to an argument and she thinks I'm acting like I know it all. I actually know nothing but I have a good head of my shoulders and only want the best for our son. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has any suggestions. If you guys need anymore information about our situation please let me know and I will add it. Thanks in advance dads!
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