August 2013 Moms

DH is stubborn

Where my DH is from west Africa guys aren't involved in the pregnancy/birth process at all and I knew that this would be one of our big points if disagreement. I know it has nothing to do with him not loving me or the baby but he is uncomfortable and doesn't want to be involved in drs appts, birthing class, the birth. I have already given in and said that while he needs to be at the hospital with me he does not need to be in the room when I push. But since he has no good reason to not go to the birthing class doesn't cost more, he doesn't need time off work, etc and it would make all the difference to me in the world, I think he needs to suck it up and go. But I can't force him. And I can't spend the next 6 months mad at him. Help!
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