August 2013 Moms

Disappointing U/S whine.

I had an amazing surprise ultrasound earlier this week at the er when I passed out at work - the tech took her time, told me what we were looking at, and just held the wand still for a while so we could watch baby dance.  She even got some close ups between the legs and told me we're having a boy.  I had a regular ultrasound at my OB scheduled for today to check on a cyst, so I've been talking my husband up all week about how amazing it's going to be when he sees our boy moving around, how emotional it will be, how it was the coolest thing I've ever seen, etc. 
Well, today's ultrasound was the biggest let down ever.  The tech definitely rushed through, NEVER told us what we were looking at, and scoffed at the idea that a different tech had spotted boy parts earlier this week.  Granted, this tech also said that the baby was more settled into a "difficult" position and from what little I was able to see he did appear to be moving less than he was the other day.

Still, I'm really disappointed and a little upset.  I feel so bad that I spent all week building this up to my husband and he didn't get NEARLY the experience that I did.  I'm considering getting an elective ultrasound now just to get the taste of this one out of our mouths.

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