August 2013 Moms

We're having a...


Oh, and it's a BOY!  

We had an elective ultrasound done today by a lady who has her master's degree in medical sonography (since I was worried about an inexperienced tech getting it wrong) but there was no doubt. He is all boy and definitely not shy! Some other cool parts of the ultrasound were watching him wiggle all around, stick out his little tongue, and he was waving his hand around with his fingers spread out (instead of the normal fist) so we were able to count five fingers on his right hand. He was laying sideways, so we were told that we may have to come back a different time to try to check again, but then he flipped over and spread his legs wide. The three of us couldn't stop laughing.  It was such an amazing experience. The last time we saw him, he was a tiny blob on the screen and now he looks more like a baby and is already pretty feisty.  

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