Pregnant after IF

Baby coming this weekend!!

I had my weekly BPP today, and baby has only gained 4oz in 2 weeks so we earned ourselves in induction. I worked at the hospital last night and they had a record number of deliveries so I know the place is full! My OB wanted to send me straight from the office but we decided to wait until tonight so hopefully they have more rooms available. I go in for cervidil tonight at 7:30.  My BP has also been elevated this week so they are keeping a close eye on that too. Baby will probably be here sometime tomorrow!!
TTC #1 since Sept '09 Dx: Severe MFI/Azoo
IVF w/ICSI - 15R, 12M, 10F - transferred 2; froze 3
Beta #1 150 Beta #2 320
7/16 124 bpm (6w5d) 7/31 168 bpm (8w6d) 8/22 170 bpm (12w)
EDD 3/6/13
Our team green baby was a girl! Emma Lynn born 2/23/13
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