August 2013 Moms

Mat21 Results!

Got my Mat21 results and only took a week total- tested on Tuesday, got results this Tuesday.  Everything came back clear, such a relief for me given my age and increased chance for Down's etc.

I also learned at least one of the babies (it is twins) is a boy.  They did detect a Y chromosome which in a singleton pregnancy I would know I was having a boy, since I have twins, we just know there is at least one boy.  Could be two boys or one of each.  I'll have to wait for the AS in a few weeks to know for sure! I see the MFM for the first time in 2 weeks, when I am 16w, so hoping they can tell then since they have the really high end sono there. 

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Michelle- 39, DH 41 Mom to 5yo boy (IVF) Latest pregnancy- IVF #1- ER- 11/30 ET- 3 day, 12/3- 3 8 cell embies Beta- 14dpo- 488 Beta- 18dpo- 2500 7 week U/S 1/4- TWINS! EDD 8/21/13
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