Dads & Dads-to-be

For dads/dads to be: Angry while pregnant, I need space!

Hey men! I am 22 weeks pregnant and sometimes I feel my hormones starting up and I feel angry. So when my husband says something or does something that normally would make me angry, it makes me incredibly more angry. So I tell him I need 5-10 minutes of space so that it doesn't get worse but he doesn't leave! Even if I tell him "there is a sign over my head saying WARNING" he still won't respect that I need time to cool down. So this escalates the situation where I'm pushing him and I will even hit him (I've never done this before I was pregnant) I feel bad but he would pretty much try to push my buttons by poking my shoulder over and over again trying to and get my attention when I'm trying to cool down and not let my anger and the situation get the better of me. If I try to get away he will follow me, to the point where he will have me straining to push a bathroom door closed while he tries to keep it open. And if I put earphones on with music he will pull them out. My question is do any of you guys hate letting your woman have time to cool down, and need to solve a problem right away? He says he's scared if he does. I don't get why...
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