3rd Trimester

RLS taking magnesium...stomach probs?

Hey ladies,

At my last apt on Valentine's Day, I talked to my doc about how I was doing and we talked about my insomnia brought on by the usual cocktail of restless leg syndrome, heartburn, peeing all the time, and a large watermelon on my abdomen.  She suggested I take Magnesium for the RLS and said it's perfectly safe.  

Now, I've been taking it for a week and yes, I haven't had RLS since, but my stomach has bugged me several times during that span.  Last night it was pretty awful--more than just heartburn, and didn't let up with TUMS.  It still is bugging me.

I don't know  if I should attribute the probs to the magnesium or just chalk it up to more heartburn related issues from a baby so big/high that I can rarely breathe and can never get comfortable (day or night) since there is no way to sit/stand/lean that I don't feel squashed and/or out of breath.  

So has anyone else experienced this?  My next apt. is a week from today and if it's the Magnesium I will just stop taking it--I'd rather have the RLS than this. 

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