Pregnant after IF

A/S scan yesterday - trying to focus on the positive (longish)

Good news is the baby looks great!  We are team green - even if we had wanted to know, the tech said she couldn't see anyway.  LO was moving a lot and was not cooperating very well throughout the whole scan.  We are so happy.

On another note, I had my monthly check up a few hours after the ultrasound, at which point the doc reported that while everything looked good with the baby ("as good as it gets"), there is one "minor" issue - I have what is called marginal insertion of the umbilical cord, which means it is not inserted right in the middle of the placenta where it should be.  

She did not seem overly concerned and basically said it is what it is and there is nothing we can do about it.  She said there is a much worse situation where the cord inserts way off to the side, and that is not the case for me, that it is still very close to the center.  She contacted the MFM clinic and they want to do a few more ultrasounds during 3rd tri to monitor growth and make sure it is not restricted.  I was not very concerned when I left there...but curiosity got the best of me later last night and I made the mistake of googling.  UGH.  

Have any of you experienced this or heard anything about it?   I have a call out to the doctor just to hear the facts again and see if she if my concerns are valid.  I tend to get OCD with my thoughts...and I really do not want to let this get the better of me for the rest of the pregnancy....

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