3rd Trimester

Group B Strep questions

Good morning ladies! Just found out that I tested positive for GBS. I know it isn't really a huge deal or anything, but I did think of some questions after I left the doc, if course.

1. Did you have to go to LnD any earlier than you would otherwise to get on the antibiotics? Or do you still wait until your contractions are about 5,1,1?
2. Is it still ok to have an epidural if you are also on the penicillin? What if they have to induce you? Pitocin, penicillin and epidural seems like a lot, but is it safe?
3. Did you have to stay in the hospital any longer after the baby was born to make sure there were no signs of infection?
4. Did you still get the first hep B vaccine for your baby in the hospital of wait to make sure there are mo sihns of infection? I know you aren't supposed to vaccinate if your baby is sick at all, but what do you do if the symptoms may be delayed?

Thanks everyone!
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