3rd Trimester

ACOG and AAFP makes a statement against elective inductions

Today, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and many other organizations announced they have joined the CHOOSE WISELY campaign, drawing national attention to the overuse and misuse of induction of labor. ACOG and AAFP are telling women and their maternity care providers:

- Don?t schedule elective, non-medically indicated inductions of labor or cesarean deliveries before 39 weeks 0 days gestational age.
- Don?t schedule elective, non-medically indicated inductions of labor between 39 weeks 0 days and 41 weeks 0 days unless the cervix is deemed favorable.

This is an announcement from the ACOG President.


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