3rd Trimester

Breech for a reason?

hello!  I'm 34 weeks and 3 days along and found out recently that my baby is breech.  I scheduled an appointment for Monday with a chiropractor my midwife recommends who specializes in the Webster technique, which flips breech babies.  Apparently they have a high success rate.  I have a couple of questions for the group - first, if my baby is breech "for a reason" i.e: my pelvis is a funny shape or something, does that mean that if she does flip, I will have a difficult labor?  Should I leave well enough along and just get a c section if she doesn't do it on her own?  I intended on a natural birth so I would REALLY like to turn her around but not if there is a real anatomical reason not to have a vaginal delivery.  Since I found out she was breech a few days ago, I have slowly accepted the idea of a C section.  

So, I am willing to do whatever it takes to flip her - chrio, acupuncture, exercises (spinningbabies.com) BUT i don't want to force something that isn't natural for my baby and my anatomy.... i hope this makes sense.  any thoughts? 

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