August 2013 Moms

Most Frustrating 2nd Tri Symptom

I would say I was pretty lucky in the 1st tri, with only on and off nausea and food aversions, plus the extreme tiredness. 

I'm also not complaining too much about 2nd tri symptoms since I seem to have some of my energy back and can now eat most things again, but there is one thing that is driving me crazy!! This flucking constantly snotty, runny or blocked nose.

It's especially bad in the morning and comes with loads of sneezing and no ability to drop back to sleep if I want to because I can't breathe.

I also get hay fever too so when that kicks in it's a double treat.  

I know it's minor, and in the scheme of things I'm still blinkin' lucky, but it is definitely the one thing that blows (pun intended) about my 2nd tri.

So, what's your most frustrating 2nd tri symptom so far? 


PS: I know there will be those who are really having a tough time and my sympathy is totally yours.  

TTC Since March 2010 - 2 angel babies - BFP December 12 EDD 12 Aug 13 Lilypie Maternity tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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