3rd Trimester

Painful irregular contractions, vomiting, diarrhea at 35 weeks

I'm 35 weeks pregnant. Yesterday evening I started out feeling nausea and discomfort, which eventually became painful contractions. The pain radiated form my back to my abdomen.  For the first hour or 2 the contractions were irregular, but close together (maybe 10 in an hour).  I vomited the small amount of food I had managed to eat for dinner, and twice later after having nothing but water.  The frequency of the contractions went down when I tried to go to sleep (not that I was able to sleep at all, because of the pain).  I spoke to my doctor around 1am, but she said since the contractions were irregular and getting farther apart, just try to drink fluids if I can keep anything down and get some rest.  She said to come in in the morning if I still felt bad.  Later I started having diarrhea (surprisingly with no cramping).  The contractions stopped after 4am. I had 2 minor contractions this morning. My stomach still feels off, but I've been able to eat a little and keep it down.  Since I haven't had anymore contractions in several hours, I decided I don't need to go in for monitoring.

 I guess I just want to know if this type of thing has happened to anyone else, and if it eventually ended up leading to early labor. I've read that vomiting and diarrhea with no fever can be signs of your body getting ready a few days before labor.

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