Pregnant after IF

So excited to re-intro

Afternoon ladies!

I'm so excited to be back here.  My history is in my siggy, but just a short intro:

We had DD in April of 2011 after an Aug FET.  I EBF for 13 months, weaned her and started for #2. This time around, it seemed to take a little longer, and was a little harder. Lots of tears, and lots of hugs, but here we are.  For my 3rd IVF, I worked out a little more than normal and more consistant.  Added yoga in once a week,  went to accupuncture 1 per week.  I did a fertiltiy cleanse through my accupuncturist, which was awesome, and added, CoQ10, DHEA, and magnesium to my pre-natal vitamin stash.  Best cycle ever!  We also have 3 frosties that we are thinking of donating in about a years time.

So, anyhow. HI!

Diagnosis - MIF - FUIF!
#1 12R, 7M, 5F - 2- 3dt BFN - 1 totsicle became our DD.
TTC#2 since 1/12
IVF #2 - 10R, 6M, 5F - 1 5dt of a morula= BFN none to freeze.
IVF #3 (blegh) Long Lupron Protocol
ER 8/23 12R, 7M, 2F - 2 beautiful 3d 8/26
+HPT 9/3 beta #1 9/10= 78.5 #2 9/12 = 136 #3 9/14 319 #4 9/17 890 #5 9/21 2119
Little B is where he needs to be. HB 9/24. no HB 10/3. Missed m/c @ 8w. D&C 10/5 :(
IVF #4 - Antagonist Protocol
ER - 17R, 14M, 9F - 1 beautiful blast 12/13 (Our anniversary), 3 more FROZEN!! WOO HOO!
+HPT 12/17 beta #1 12/27 = 1654 (um hells to the yeah), beta #2 12/31 = 6994, 1st u/s= 1/8 (fingers firmly crossed) = HB 125. You rock little one.
Please, Please Stick. Mommy, Daddy and Big Sis love you so much.
BabyFruit Ticker
Our Totsicle is getting so big!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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