3rd Trimester

Rocking Chair Dilemma

My in-laws, who both have blue collar jobs but take pride in saving every penny, purchased our bedroom furniture for the nursery (crib, dresser, and a changing table)--a very generous gift for which we are incredibly grateful.

My parents, who spend their money quite irresponsbily on eating out, hair, nails, trips, etc. and do not make much to spend in the first place, after hearing of the in-laws gift, offered to purchase a rocking chair for me. I do plan on breast feeding and therefore, this little future home of mine was a very important purchase. My husband, myself, and my sister went shopping high and low for a reasonable, yet comfortable rocker and I picked one out. The problem? It's about $500, including the footstool. My parents said they would not pay that much and said the most they would pay was $200. Try as I might, I cannot find one that is not on the verge of falling apart for under $200. So I offered for them to give us the $200 and we'll pay for the other $300. No deal and they were offended.

The topic went stale and we haven't talked about it since. And the rocker I originally picked out is sitting on my registry, awaiting someone (or a group of someone's) to purchase it. Meanwhile, my mom has showered us with pointless, uncessary gifts totaling certainly over $200 since...

Today, my dad showed up with a hand-me-down rocker from a great aunt. It is solid wood, "god awful ugly" in the words of my husband, and far from comfortable. What do I do?!?!?!

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